I’ve Got the Blahs…

Everything has fallen off-track for me. I’ve given in on pizza and chicken. My only triumph on the chicken was that it happened to be rotisserie, not fried. A small gain, but a good one.

Writing? Hah! I think I’ve managed about 250 words since last Sunday, and plotted about three scenes. And I’ve only figured out where to put one of them. Then again, maybe not. Hmm. Have to take a look at that again. Thank God you can reorder things easily in Scrivener. I keep one scene per chapter while I’m working and planning, to make everything easier to shift if I need to.

The only upside to this week is that I gained another private student. That’s a great thing, and very much appreciated at my bank.

Well, since my creativity button doesn’t seem to want to work this morning, I think I’ll put on my exercise clothes (t-shirt and sweats) and go to the gym. Something good has to come out of today, right?

See you Wednesday! (If I have anything to report…)

Lost In the Fog

Morning…at least, I think it’s morning. Looking out the window, all I can see is fog. That’s okay, thought, because it’s matching what’s going on in my head. Not a lot, so far.

On the writing front, something great happened yesterday. I came across an old blog post of Gwen’s (I think her last name is Hernandez – but I’m not sure) explaining how to create templates in Scrivener. She’s the author of “Scrivener for Dummies.” I’ve been wanting to do that, because as I plot out what’s happening, I’d like to make sure I have some thorough scene analyses to go along. Hence, the additional templates. All I can say is, Gwen’s a goddess. She’s gotten me out of a heckuva jam.

My goal for the day is to get all my templates created and start another Scrivener file to make my planning more comprehensive. If I’m really lucky, I’ll get some writing done, too.

Other goals:

I’ve not made it to the grocery store yet today, so I’m on track so far. I’m still looking to spend only on local or USA products.

The plan is to go to the gym later this afternoon. I think there’s a class I want to take, but I have to check the schedule to make sure. Luckily, the schedule’s online so that will only take a moment.

I’ve been failing miserably when it comes to taking time for myself. Writing in a personal journal has gone by the wayside. Meditation hasn’t happened. I’m more focused on trying to study for my teacher certification so I can work in the K-12 school system, and finding a part-time job because my hours have been cut at work. I’m down to 24 right now. Not good. But the pendulum always swings, and there will be an upside. I know it’s coming, and that stops me from fretting too much.

I keep using a mantra from Firefly, originally uttered by Kaylee: “Everything’s shiny, not to fret.”

So far, it works. Life is good.

An Uneven Week So Far…

I made it to the gym yesterday! I actually took a yoga class! Wow. And guess what I discovered? I’m a heck of a lot more out of shape than I thought. And I hate floor-to-ceiling mirrors. A lot. But that’s okay – at least I made it there. And I lasted the entire hour. Woo hoo!

I’ve already missed the yoga class for today. If I’m lucky I’ll get to the gym this evening for some cardio. If not, I’ll just have to take a walk around the apartment complex after I make dinner.

I haven’t done any grocery shopping since my last post, so that goal is unchanged.

And now, for the writing portion of our evening…

I’ve done some plotting, but for “Blood, Breath and Fire”, not “Immortal Blood.” I’m thinking about taking a side trip back to Rassa for a little while. I woke up this morning discovering a couple of other things about the history of that world, so I think I need to  hang there for a bit.

My cooking is going well, sort of. I did buy Boar’s Head beef hot dogs for dinner last night, but I have managed to stay away from Publix’s Fried Chicken and Papa John’s pizza. It’s a process. I’m going to try to get more recipes from a blog called “Poor Girl Eats Well”. There’s some great stuff there. Right now I’m eager to try a quinoa recipe that has butternut squash, dried cranberries, kale, apple, and a couple of other things in it. Sounds like it might be a good thing to take for lunch tomorrow. I’m working all day this semester on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, so lunch planning is something of a priority.

See you all on Sunday!

Starting Off Slowly

This challenge has started off like a deflated balloon. Yup, limp. Yesterday was Tuesday, and I was supposed to make it to the gym. Didn’t happen. I had to wait for pest management to come for maintenance on my apartment. (Our complex was purchased recently, so some things have changed.) They didn’t make it to my building. In the evening, I was supposed to tutor. My student rescheduled for today.

I’ve got gym plans for today, but it’s iffy at best. I’m here waiting for the pest people, then I have to get ready for tutoring. Again. We’ll see if it works today.

On the upside, I got an idea to try a short story. It’s working title is “Breath and Fire” and it’s about an artist pair, one an apprentice teenage girl and the other her dragon partner. I might end up adding that to my goals, but I’m not sure yet. I need to do a little planning first.

Does it sound interesting to anyone?

I haven’t been shopping for anything except bread. I got sub rolls from Publix, which were made in the store. The bread that I purchased was made in the United States, but I’m not sure if it’s anything close to being local. It was Arnold 100% Whole Wheat bread. I got that because it doesn’t have any high fructose corn syrup in it.

I plan on spending time in the kitchen today, cooking grain salads and other things to take to work for lunch over the next couple of days.

See everyone on Sunday!

Wandering in the Fog

I’m feeling a little vague right now, and my work is reflecting it. I think I’ve had something of a mental breakdown after Nano, probably to look for energy.

I haven’t gotten a lot accomplished on Immortal Blood. The only progress I’ve made, in fact, is finding out the approximate age of Akhenaten when he died. A little known piece of information that would have a negative impact on my manuscript if I didn’t know it. So, I guess that’s good.

On the upside, I actually walked through the doors of the gym on Saturday. Wow, I’m more out of shape than I thought! Motivation or despair – I’m not sure yet. I’m hoping for the former. I also, on the way home from a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert yesterday, got an idea for a book of short stories/novellas that all link together, with a vaguely Christmas theme. Right now, in Scrivener, I’m calling it “Three Wishes.”

My food goals are so-so. I didn’t have fried chicken this past week, although I was craving it and it would have been REALLY convenient. The guys begged for pizza one night, so I ordered it. I got a veggie pizza for me with light cheese, and they got their sausage pizza. Papa John’s has a special going on with a 5-sausage pizza. Blech. I tasted it, but it was way too…meaty…for me. I need my veg.

Holiday shopping? Not finished. But a good deal of it is in my Amazon cart, waiting to be shipped when I get paid on Thursday at midnight. How’s that for cutting it close??

I hope you and your families have a wonderful, safe, and happy holiday!

Why Negative Coffee Times Negative Coffee Equals Positive Evil

The end of the semester is winding down here at the college. I didn’t have a lot of students Monday, and when afternoon rolled around, I was fading fast. I’d only slept a few hours on Sunday night, and not well. My  coffee addiction tried to send me to the coffee stand downstairs, but my logical mind prevailed, reminding me that if I had coffee in the middle of the afternoon, I’d face another sleepless night. Oh, bother.

So, Kris, who was in the lab with me and studying for a Calculus final, began sketching my babbling on the board, in the form of a graph with a cracked coffee mug. The mug was slowly dripping coffee into the negative quadrant of the graph (any value here will be negative). We all know that, in algebra, a negative multiplied with another negative will give you a positive; in physics, we’d need to determine how fast we’d have to drink the coffee. (A linear function — f(x) = x — was drawn through the graph, bisecting the coffee mug and giving us an arbitrary line from which to determine how much coffee we had available to drink. Once it dripped below the line, we’d be * outta luck.)

So, by extrapolation, here are the parameters of the graph:

coffee = good
-coffee = bad
(-coffee)(-coffee) = +evil.

Makes sense, right? (Yes, and I agree, we should have had more work to do that afternoon!)

Goals? Oh, right, let’s talk about that.

Pages: Met, thanks to Nano.

Exercise: Nope. I’ve been tutoring or dealing with pre-Christmas stuff whenever I’ve not been working.

Planning: Yes. So much so that around 4:30 this morning I woke up, realizing that I needed to find out the age of the “death” of Akhenaten so I could reasonably determine whether he had grey hair or not. Nothing like obsessing, right?

Food: Managed to stay away from the fried chicken still. Pizza, though, I ordered some because the guys asked me to. And since there was a new pizza on the menu, I tried it. I didn’t like it. Yay! I did order a vegetarian pizza with light cheese, just so I could feel a bit better about my bad behavior.

How’s everyone else doing?

My Head is Spinning!

Hi everyone!

Hope all of us are recovered from Overeating Thursday and Black Friday. Here’s my goal rundown:

80 Pages for this Quarter: Completed, but mostly due to Nano.

Planning: Still going. I’ve gotten over 60,000 words for Nano right now, so I think I’m going to use my Scrivener software and do some major rearranging of scenes and things. I think I may need to make better sense of it all before I continue any more planning of big things.

Fried Chicken: I haven’t had any in the past week.

Pizza: I’ve managed to stay away from that, too.

Exercise: There’s one that I’m failing miserably on. I have to find a way to organize my life better. It will come in time.

I hope everyone else is doing well. It’s going to be short and sweet today, as I’m getting the flu that’s been slamming my roommates to the ground. So, it’s off to the kitchen to make a big batch of homemade soup to get me through this crap.

See you Wednesday!

Wow, What a Week!!

Happy pre-Thanksgiving, everyone! I’ve been running around like a crazy person buying things for Thanksgiving, and writing like a crazier one. I cracked the Nano 50,000 word goal the day before yesterday, reaching 50,088. Not that I’m quitting for the month – oh, no! In fact, I’ve got a meeting with writing friends tonight. But I’ve got to get my Thanksgiving prep done first.


I’ve made my 80 pages for this round, having done over 200 just for Nano.

Planning has suffered somewhat this month, as I’ve been focused on output alone. I’ve had a weird few scenes centered around a therapist office. My heroine had a breakthrough – and a meltdown. It made me tear up and leak a bit while I was writing it. (Since I was at work at the time, that might have been not so great. Luckily, my students know what I’m like and it doesn’t faze them.) I got a couple of interesting motivations, from the werewolf guardian/secret assassin, so that’s going to be fun to play with. Especially since one of her phone calls is overheard by the heroine’s lover. Talk about it hitting the fan!

Exercise and junk food aversion fell by the wayside for the past week or so. My words were more important than anything, and my lack of kitchen participation showed it. Oh, well.

I’ve got to put a plug in here. Now, before I do, I have to say I’m in no way involved in this company and have not financial or personal interest in it whatsoever. My Nano output has been phenomenal this year. I’ve never done anything close to this in only 19 days. And I have to say that I don’t think I could have done it without using Scrivener. I downloaded their Nano trial version, and it blew me away. It’s now my go-to piece of writing software. I can’t say enough about it. (Getting down from soapbox now.)

Off to go make some applesauce and some cranberry/orange compote.

Have a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving. (Isn’t it wonderful – the leftovers mean we won’t have to cook, and we will have time to write more! One more thing to put on the list of things to be thankful for.)

Calculus and Cookies…

For all of us mathematically-inclined (or crazy) people out there, I was thinking about a new exercise today for my students. It was an exercise in junk food. Specifically — cookies.

Now, everyone has a favorite cookie. It could be chocolate chip, Oreos, oatmeal, or those delightfully addictive mint cookies that the Girl Scouts tempt us with every year. (Mint cookies and I are very familiarly acquainted.)

What if each student, choosing their favorite cookie from a predetermined list, took the dimensions and tried to find out how many cookies could fit into a specific area. How much area was taken up by the cookies? How many cookies were used? And how much of the original area was left? Here’s where the calculus bit comes in. Integrals are used to find the area under a curve. (We knew calculus had to show up eventually.)

Get the answer right for your type of cookie, and you get to eat said cookies.

How’s that for incentive?

Personally, I can’t try the cookie thing, because I’m still trying to lose weight. And it’s going slowly, I’m afraid. So is the exercise. But some of my other goals are going well.

For instance, my planning is still going forward, as is my writing. My Nano word count is just over 20,000. I have no idea what my page count is, but I’m sure it’s inching toward my 80 pages for this quarter.

Not so good on the fried chicken front. I bought some last night on my way home from work. Once I got there, I went to bed. I was utterly exhausted, and I let the guys figure out whatever they wanted for dinner.

I haven’t ordered any pizza though, so that’s still good.

Fighting the junk food craving is a day to day adventure. But I sure wish the cravings would go away.

See you on Sunday!

Doing It Uncaffeinated…!

Morning, all. It is morning, right? I’m not sure – it’s still kinda dark outside here.

Yes, you read the name right. I haven’t had coffee. Or Mountain Dew. Or tea. Or even dark chocolate. My eyes are still blurry. I apologize in advance if this comes out like stream-of-conscious drivel. That’s how my brain’s working (or not) this morning. Or I could just be gearing up for Nano.

Speaking of Nano…if anyone’s doing it and they want to friend me, I’m over there as laramcgill.

Goals, you ask? Well…

1. Planning is going well. I dreamed I was part of a police team of some sort (in Wales, no less!) and got shot in the back. It grazed my lung, and I found out very quickly what it was like to bleed and try to breathe at the same time. Interesting from an academic standpoint. Not so good from a personal one.

2. Exercise. Not so good. I had plans to drag my roommate swimming yesterday, but that didn’t happen because of other things that turned up unexpectedly. We’ll see about today. Taking it one day at a time.

3. I haven’t had any pizza or fried chicken since I last checked in. No, wait. There was a piece of leftover cold fried chicken in the fridge that I scarfed one morning for breakfast before work. In retrospect, that might have been the best thing I could have done – I didn’t like it. And now I’m much more likely to pass it by in the grocery store. (I did yesterday – I wasn’t even attracted by the usually-irresistible scent!)

4. Processed food. Doing great on that – things like boxed rice mixes and Hamburger Helper and soups and stuff just don’t make it into my cart. I’m still buying things like stock though. I use too much of it to be able to make it on my own and still have enough. Not to mention that my freezer isn’t big enough!

Have a great, productive day everyone! Now I just have to find a way to wake up so I can get crackin’ too!